dayton shows, in the pit, • 1/28/25 slouch as polar erection slouch as polar erection on 8/26/2023 shot by milo lee Previous bone house/the dust hares/purple ambrosia at yellow cab tavern Next hueston woods at mendelson's house You Might Also Like sheller/good soup at cosmo joe's MARY HENRY @ MENDELSON'S 12/8/24 mary henry (vice/virtue live) @ mendelson's slouch/bad man at mendelson's house mary henry (radical display of affection live) @ mendelson's
dayton shows, in the pit, • 1/28/25 slouch as polar erection slouch as polar erection on 8/26/2023 shot by milo lee Previous bone house/the dust hares/purple ambrosia at yellow cab tavern Next hueston woods at mendelson's house You Might Also Like sheller/good soup at cosmo joe's MARY HENRY @ MENDELSON'S 12/8/24 mary henry (vice/virtue live) @ mendelson's slouch/bad man at mendelson's house mary henry (radical display of affection live) @ mendelson's